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Waterstock Notes - July 2024

By Rosalind Portman

Latest onGreystoke
Last month’sWaterstock Notes included the depressing news that the developers of the golf course are appealing SODC’s comprehensive refusal of their planning application. Since then, Rob Arthur’s application for Waterstock Parish Meeting to have Rule 6 status at the Appeal Inquiry--which makes Waterstock a full participant in the Inquiry-- has been accepted. The Appeal will begin on October 15, and last for 4 weeks, but not sitting on Mondays.
We have appointed Harriet Townsend to represent us at the Inquiry. Harriet is the barrister who led the enforcement proceedings for unlawful waste operations against the owners of the golf course, which led to their imprisonment. The venue for the Inquiry is still to be decided.

Work has begun on preparing our Statement of Case, which has to be finalised by 10thJuly, and xcellent cooperation has been established with SODC.

Anyone who did not submit an objection to the original Planning Application now has a further opportunity to do so, so please make use of. Likewise, anyone who did object, but wishes to add new objections. Again, 10th July is the deadline. Submissions can be made online at https//, or you can send your comments by post to Tim Salter, The Planning Inspectorate, Room RJ Kite Wing, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Bristol, BS1 6PN, quoting the Appeal reference 3343775.

And please, if you haven’t already done so, consider making a contribution to the fighting

Nature update from Henry at the Mill
This Spring ,despite the awful weather has been a bumper year for successful nests at the Mill, including Barn Owls, Grey Wagtails (2); Green Woodpecker (2) and, Great Spotted Woodpecker (2). Also, a brood of Goosander chicks, but we are not certain where they nested. The Barn Owl nest was the most surprising, in an owl box on a tree that had been surrounded by water for weeks and weeks. Not, you
would have thought, the ideal location for catching prey to feed hungry owlets.

Accommodation for Waterperry Opera
Waterperry Opera organises accommodation for the young singers over the first fortnight in August. They are still looking for a further couple of beds. If anyone is willing and able please contact Guy